Install and Configure Eclipse For PHP Development

EclipseEclipse Install

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Begin by downloading just the bare bones Eclipse IDE for Windows.  The most latest version tested was Eclipse 4.3.2 found at:

You only need to download the “Platform Runtime Binary”.  This cuts down the size of the download from 190MB to 61MB.

Extract the files to a location on your drive, then launch eclipse.exe.

PHP Development Tools ( PDT )

Next we need to install the PHP Development Tools ( PDT ).  Use the following steps:

  1. Select Help -> Install New Software.
  2. From the “Work with” pull-down menu, select Kepler.  Wait while it loads the available software.
  3. Once loaded, navigate to Programming Languages and check PHP Development Tools ( PDT ).
  4. Click Next a couple times, accept the license and click Finish.  You’ll be prompted to restart Eclipse when it is done installing software.

CVS Client Install ( optional )

If you use CVS, you can install the CVS client using the following steps:

  1. Select Help -> Install New Software.
  2. From the “Work with” pull-down menu, select The Eclipse Project Updates.  Wait while it loads the available software.
  3. Check the box next to Eclipse CVS Client
  4. Click Next a couple times, accept the license and click Finish.  You’ll be prompted to restart Eclipse when it is done installing software.