Google Calendar Events WordPress TEMP Fix

To those that are impacted by the deprecation of the Google Calendar V2 API, the following temp fix has been created to get back up and running if you are using the Google Calendar Events Plugin prior to version 2.x

PLEASE NOTE: We want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software.

To Patch Version Prior to 2.0 ( i.e. have a gce-feed.php file ):

  1. V3 requires a Google API Key.  To get a key, you must have a Google Developer account ( this is free ).  Tip: If specifying IPs when setting up your key, be sure to list all test environments ( thanks Donna ).
  2. Activate the Goolge Calednar API.
  3. Download the updated gce-feed.php file here.
  4. Open up the file and replace “<YOUR KEY HERE>” with the key you obtained from your Google Developer Console  Make sure you remove the < > brackets as well.
  5. Make a backup copy of the gce-feed.php file located in /wp-content/plugins/google-calendar-events/inc
  6. Upload this new file.

To Patch Version 2.0 ( i.e. have a class-gce-feed.php file ):

I have removed this path.  The developers have released a patch that is now better than the TEMP fix I had out there to bridge the gap.  Please get the latest update from them.

You should be back up and running now.